I'm thinking that one of my New Year goals should be to draw just one 'ordinary thing' every day - even days when I'm 'too busy', 'too stressed', 'can't be bothered' etc - just a quick and simple ten-minute time-out sketch should be perfectly do-able! SO! In order to keep myself in the sketchbook habit, here is "ordinary thing" number one (pen and ink - so mistakes and all!)!!!( other artistic goals to be forthcoming!)
This is the final day of my 24-day doodle project ! Thought you might enjoy a bit of seasonal wildlife along with a very simple doodle this morning...
Thanks to all who have emailed and commented and sent their thoughts along to me. It's been fun. Hopefully I have broken the back of my 'dry-spell' and will keep up the daily sketch habit - I shall certainly continue to post my 'artistic' offerings here - although I promise not to load the pages with videos as Iknow this makes the pages slow to load for those on dial-up. I will, though, post the occasional link to ' You-Tube' if I find I simply can't keep my myself to myself and lose the battle with the urge to use the webcam!!!!