29 Dec 2012

Another bloody Christmas over, thank Gods.

And that's all I have to say about that.

10 Dec 2012

I've peeked...

... out from under the shirts in the wardrobe

2 Dec 2012

An old favourite...

OK, so here's the thing.  This year I have been less than reliable with the posting-of-things-to-the-blog and the joining-in-with-the-arts-community-online type stuff.  This being due to a plethora of reasons, most of which are just too-ooooo self pitying to even begin to be given space on the page.  So, come the new year and crappy uncooperative M.S. hands notwithstanding, it  is my aim to begin again with the dailys, both here and on my flickr pages (links will be provided, I promise).  For the next month, though, it will be unreliable business as usual. So there! :0)