1 Aug 2012

...with a 'Hey' and a 'Ho' and a Hey, Nonny! NO!

MOP! (do something with that, clever pants!)

1 comment:

  1. Good staff is so hard to find,
    Especially when caught in a bind.
    Moping, mopping, more's a grind
    When madrigals are not inclined.
    ...with a 'Hey' and a 'Ho' and a Hey, Nonny! NO!

    Cleaning o'er the last few days
    Without good help that often strays
    Is difficulty none can praise;
    And yet one sings in wordy ways:
    ...with a 'Hey' and a 'Ho' and a Hey, Nonny! NO!

    Clever pants in a huffing puff
    Tries to keep up with cleverer stuff.
    Madrigals must be light, not rough,
    And not too long but short enough.
    ...with a 'Hey' and a 'Ho' and a Hey, Nonny! NO!

    -- A nutty Mouse
